



Department of Justice Studies



forensic entomology; post-mortem interval; aging bloodstains; hyperspectral remote sensing; First Nation residential schools


My current research involves multiple outlets: In forensic entomology, the questions being examined in forensic entomology are what delay times do we see in blow fly oviposition in a second locally trapped blowfly Lucilia sericata (began with another species, Calliphora latifrons) when remains are concealed in multiple ways? 在犯罪现场, we come across decedents in homicides in suitcases/boxes/wrapped to dispose and clean up in different situations which may delay insects from reaching the remains and so this is why we are running experiments in the laboratory to see what these delays 可能是. 学生 are working on this with me.

Also, what are the development times for local blow fly species? 连苍蝇都要飞了 similar species develop at different rates in different locations so must be studied for each location before applying locally. A different type of research that I have been completing relates to my teaching in my Human Rights course. 我一直在检查 the Native American residential schools/boarding schools in North America. 我最近的 paper was asking what is the narrative behind the lives affected by the residential schools of Northern British Columbia. As a First Nations person and a founding member of GAIN with a vested interest in the Native students on campus, I am also examining the experiences of Native students on campus with faculty and staff on campus through 焦点小组和调查. These findings were compiled in a qualitative analysis and presented in white paper, publication, and presentations. 已经有一个演示了 made to the university community of our findings.

Also, along with my coauthor, I have submitted an article to the Journal of Human Rights regarding residential schools in Northern BC and Southern Yukon describing the systematic HR abuses that occurred with the introduction of the Alaskan Highway and the access to religious denominations. 

Research 连接s to Current 事件

The residential school and boarding schools along with the 60's scoop etc served to create trauma in the next generations of Native Americans and First Nations peoples. The historical traumas still emerge in today's generations via intergenerational trauma which passes down through 一个's DNA because these traumas changed DNA by way of epigenetics. The traumas that were caused in the past still arise in Native Americans today through PTSD, depression, substance abuse, and poor parenting. 这种创伤往往会导致 substance abuse and other potentially poor choices in life and we see that when a person of color or a missing Indigenous person (MMIWG) occurs they are not treated the same by either the police or the press as it is with a Caucasian person.

They are often assumed to have run off, are promiscuous, or are off drinking and will eventually show up instead of taking the case seriously when it needs to be within that first 48 hours when leads can go cold. As far as forensic science, the research will lead to more answers in local criminal cases. This primarily means an estimated time since death occurred which allows death investigators to focus their investigation on the correct time frame and put all investigative resources toward that time and not to the last time seen alive which may have been much earlier. 

Personal 连接s to Research

As a person of Native ancestry and working these cases I feel I can make legitimate arguments from both sides, I see many cases of deceased women and many of those women are of Native ancestry and so I would like to see fewer of these women that look like my family members laying in the morgue because of horrific treatments from their childhood or because leads were not examined right away when they were first recognized as missing. 



